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Sustainable Development Committee

With the decision of the Scientific Council dated 25.10.2022 (protocol no02.) at Sumgayit State University, a Sustainable Development Committee was established for the purpose of promoting and ensuring sustainable development. The committee aims for the university to be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable and aligned with the UN"s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The main tasks of the committee are to determine the university"s sustainable development goals and priorities, prepare an action plan, organize educational, scientific and social programs, conduct monitoring and evaluation, prepare reports and develop relations. The committee plays an important role in fulfilling the educational, scientific and social mission of the university and contributing to the development of the country. Committee members support national and international initiatives, closely monitor research, events and other developments in this field. Several measures continue to be done at the university to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by the committee and the work done is highlighted on the university"s official website and social media accounts. The university holds seminars, scientific-practical conferences, webinars, trainings, etc., dedicated to the topics of global warming, alternative energy sources, ecology, gender equality. organized.

Boards of the Committee        Regulation of Sustainable Development Committee 

Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06