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Economic office
Administrative division consists of three (3) sections:
Rafig Sofiyev- Head of Economic office.
Commandants: Nazarova Nabatkhanim (1st campus), Aghayeva Safura (2nd campus), Eyvazova Shafiga (3rd campus).
36 servants, 5 drivers, 2 gardeners, 1 photographer, 3 telephone-operators are employed for this office. Sanitary staff is responsible for hygienic issues. The main tasks of this division are controlling household cleanness and renovation, spading the garden, planting trees, protecting greenness, supervising university cleanness. Security staff - 18 people are responsible for the university’s security.
Technical Operations section:
This office is responsible for the equipment and resources (water, gas, light, equipment). Renovations, maintenances and constructions are carried under the control of this department. Staff of this department consists of:
A chief mechanician-
an engineer – Ahmadov Elkhan
an engineer-Bahar Bayramova
a chief power engineering specialist-Hashimov Fakhraddin
a power engineering specialist-Ibrahimov Tabriz. There are also 7 workers employed for this office.
Provision section:
Aliyeva Matanat - Head of section
Abdullayev Yasin - Foreman
Gasimova Hijran –Warehouse.
Each of 3 divisions is functioning coordinately and does its best to carry renovation, reconstruction and administrative issues according to modern demands. The office is responsible for buying wares, goods, inventors, equipment, their documentation and delivering them to other departments or divisions.
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-18 642-16-20