Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
The autumn semester examinations for the 2019-2020 academic year at Sumgayit State University are successfully going on. The exam session started on December 30, 2019 in accordance with the curriculum and will last until February 02, 2020.
On January 22, , a traditional “Open door” Day for the autumn semester of the 2019-2020 academic year was held with the participation of members of the Public Control and Advisory Board under the rectorate of Sumgayit State University, parents and media.
The delegation was welcomed by Ramiz Huseynov, vice-rector for Humanitarian Affairs of the University. The pro-rector informed in detail about the organization of the fall exam session, the purposeful measures taken to ensure objectivity and transparency in the exam process and the rules of the exam. He said that exams are usually conducted in written form. Students" written documents are coded upon completion of the exam and handed over to teachers. Examination Headquarters and the Hotline are functioning to investigate and address any discontent that may arise during the session. Boxes of “Applications and suggestions” are placed in the buildings. Examinations are also monitored by cameras installed in the classrooms and monitored by the coordinators. Appeals Commission has been set up at the Headquarters to review complaints about the results of the exams and eliminate any deficiencies. The Appeals Commission accepts and provides the student"s complaints in any matter. The pro-rector also pointed out that organization of examinations in this way helps to ensure full objectivity. Members of the Student Youth Organization and the Student Scientific Society of the University are actively involved in helping to organize the session in an objective and consistent manner. Examinations at the Sumgayit State Technical College under the Sumgayit State University are conducted in the same way.
Director of the Teaching Methodical Center Faig Shirinov informed about the organization of the exam session in accordance with the existing rules. He said that the main task is to ensure that the exams are fair, and transparent.
First of all, the writing is coded accordingly, and then the part, in which student"s personal data is written, is cut and taken. After that, the teacher starts to check. At the end of the check, the cut with the answer sheets is matched to the corresponding code sequence, and the student"s score is written on the total score sheet. Implementation of this process requires careful attention. Because in this case, the examiner does not know which student"s answer is being checked, which eliminates the subjective approach to the examination process and, as a result, a more objective assessment.
Then the university administration, parents and media representatives watched the exam process in separate audiences, interested in the attitude of the students to the exams.
Observers were in the auditorium to monitor the exams process. They observed the examinations in auditoriums where surveillance cameras were installed. During the examination process, a group of students shared their impressions of the exam with members of the Public Council. They noted that all of the questions cover topics they have been taught throughout the semester.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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