Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 25 February 2020 14:07
The Khojaly genocide, one of the most horrific and tragic pages in the history of Azerbaijan, is included in the list of the most brutal crimes committed against not only our people, but the entire humanity. This tragedy is also a terrible manifestation of the genocide committed by Armenians against our people for centuries. On February 25, an event was held at the Faculty of Engineering devoted to the 28th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide.
First, the victims of the Khojaly genocide were commemorated with a minute"s silence.
Opening the event, the dean of the Faculty, associate professor Ulduz Aghayev called the genocide a new bloody page of the policy of violence and ethnic cleansing against our people. He noted: “This policy has around 200-year history. Armenian bandits, who have always lived through aggressive policies in the history of humankind and made their dishonest signatures in history, drowned Khojaly that night in blood. The tragedy was the worst of the tragedies in the world, such as Khatin, Songmi and Ruanda. Khojaly genocide is one of the most terrible and tragic pages in the history of Azerbaijan. The national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, made a great contribution in disseminating this tragedy to the world community. By his initiative for the first time political assessment was given to the tragedy in the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result, every year the anniversary of the tragedy is widely marked both in our country and abroad, the victims of the genocide are commemorated, and the world community is exposed to the real face of Armenians”.
Speaking at the event, the students noted that the atrocities committed by Armenians in Khojaly are a crime against all mankind. By committing the Khojaly tragedy, the Armenians wanted to frighten our people, to destroy their struggle, to make it reconcile with the loss of some of our historical lands. But the cunning enemy could not reach his targets. Our people have become even more determined in the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their state, have shown heroism and dedication.
In the end the video was displayed showing the horrors of the Khojaly genocide.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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