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Accounting Office
The accounting of Sumgayit State University is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Accounting" and other normative legal acts of departments, enterprises and organizations financed from the budget.
University accounting provides constant control over the execution of cost estimates, inter-enterprise calculations, holding of cash and tangible assets, execution of obligations and the correctness of other financial and economic facts.
Accounting of cost estimates for budget and special funds, cost estimates of scientific-research laboratories and other extra-budgetary funds is carried out in a single balance sheet in accordance with the "Chart of accounts  of accounting in budget-financed departments, enterprises and organizations and information on its application".
Since 2010, the submission of reports has been started  in accordance with "24 national accounting standards for budget organizations" approved by the order No. 1-05 of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 13, 2009.
In connection with the implementation of the Decree No. 220 dated February 10, 2010 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the fulfillment of a new financing mechanism in higher education institutions", it has been provided to establish and conducting the accounting.
All accounting work is done on 9 computers based on accounting programs.
10 full-time employees work in accounting.
In accounting, work is carried out on the basis of the division of official duties among employees, depending on the volume of work and functional characteristics.
The chief accountant of Accounting - Abdullayev Shahmar Hasan oglu leads the organization of accounting and reports and constantly monitors the implementation of cost estimates and the movement of special funds.
Deputy chief accountant Rzayev Ravan Elshad oglu assists in all the work of the chief accountant, conducts accounting work, helps to organize all work except for signature.
The leading economist Ahmadov Gabil Gulu oghlu conducts all statistical reports of economic work, hourly wage calculation and a part of the basic wage, and distribution of plastic cards.
The leading accountant Rustamov Rovshan Jafar oglu keeps records of goods and materials, inventory and equipment, and accounting of settlements with enterprises  and organizations.
Leading accountant Rzali Zamina Adil gizi works on payroll.
Leading accountant Valiyeva Lala Inqilabgizi handles allowances, part of the salary and works on money transfers of bank financial documents.
The leading accountant Mammadova Esmira Mazahirgizi keeps the tuition fee accounting of students studying on a paid basis and prepares reports in this field.
Accountant Nagiyeva Kifayat Mustafa gizi-  conducts tuition fee accounting of students studying on a paid basis and prepares reports in this area.
Accountant Shirinli Leyla Faig gizi – conducts  student scholarship records and helps with other accounting tasks.
Ahmadova Türkan Samad gizi – conducts prepareing  letters to organizations, distributing  plastic cards and helps in different areas of accounting.


Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06