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Department of Electrotechnics and Energetics
According to the order № 06 dated 29.03.2017 of Scientific Board of SSU in 2017, the departments of Electrotechnics and Electroenergetics were merged and named the department of Electrotechnics and energetics. 38 subjects are     taught at the bachelor"s level and 50 subjects at the master"s level in the department.
The Department began to function in 1975. The head of the department was docent N.R. Sadiyev. Docent A.R. Mammadzade was leading the department in 1980-1982, docent I.A. Alasgarli in 1991-1993, professor E.M. Farhadzade in 1994-1995, docent R.N. Gasimov in 1996-2001, docent Z.A. Guliyev in 2001-2017.
 PhD in technical sciences, docent N.M. Hajibalayev has been leading the department.
9 docents, PhD in technical sciences, 3senior lecturers are working in the department.
 The staff of the department:
1. Hajibalayev Nadir Mirzabalaoglu – head of department, docent
2.  AhmadovaTamella Ahmad gizi – part-time docent, honored teacher
3. Sattarov Vagif Gafar oglu – docent, honored teacher
4. Guliyev Zahid Aghagulu oglu – docent
5. DadashovaRanaBahramgizi –docent
6. Mammadzade Ruhiyya Kazim gizi – docent
7. Mammadov Shikara Haji oglu –docent
8.  Abdullayeva Sevil Jamal gizi – PhD in tech., senior lecturer
9. Guliyeva Aida Ismayi lgizi - senior lecturer
10. Jabbarova Samira Mohubbat gizi - senior lecturer
11. Hajiyeva Konul Ramiz gizi-senior lecturer
12. Bayramaliyeva Elmira Najaf gizi – senior lecturer
13. Shirinova AynurYashar gizi- 0.5 st. senior lecturer
14. Arikhov Nazim Rashid oglu – head of laboratory
15. Abdullayeva Ulker Rahim gizi – head of laboratory
16. Jumaliyeva Irada Jamaladdingizi - senior lab.assist
17. Jafarova Sevinj Nizam gizi - senior lab.assist
18. Kahramanova Afat Gadir gizi - senior lab.assist
19. AdigozalovVugar Sahib oglu -senior lab.assist.
20. Jamalkhanova IradaSeyfulla gizi – senior lab.assist.
21. Musayeva Ulker Hikmat gizi - 0.5 st. lab.assist.
1 dissertator and 1 doctoral student are engaged in scientific work in the Department.
Taught subjects:
Bachelor degree
1. Electrical parts of power stations
2. Bases of electroenergetics
3. Transition processes in electrical systems
4. Materials of electrical and electronic equipment 050607
5. Theory of electric circuits-1,2 050608, 050607
6. Electrical measurements and means- 050608
7. Electricity supply of cities 050608
8. Basics of electric lighting 050608
9. Power supply of industrial enterprises 050608
10. Electricity transmission and distribution 050608
11. Electrical power production 050608
12. Electrical safety 050608, 050607
13. Energetic materials 050608
14. Applied physics 050608, 050607
15. Energy production technologies 050608
16. Electrical supply of industrial facilities 050608, 050626
17. High voltage equipment 050608, 050626
18. Switching apparatus and devices 050608
19. Protection of electrical networks and equipment 050608
20. Electrical parts of thermal power plants 050608
21. Production of electricity 050608,
22. Production, transmission and distribution of electricity 050608
23. Electrotechnical materials 050608,
24. Technical thermodynamics and heat transfer 050608
25. Fundamentals of energetics -1,2 050608
26. Heat energy water preparation technology and water supply 050608
27. Thermal physics of energy carriers 050608
28. Energy production technologies 050608
29. Auxiliary equipment of thermal power plants 050608
30. Exploitation of thermal power plants 050608
31. Water preparation and membrane technologies in thermal energy 050608
32. Fuels of thermal power plants, combustion theory and management 050608
33. TEP- chemical water regime 050608
34. Combustion theory and classification of TEP -050608
35. Systems of electric and thermal energy production - 050608
36. Heating, cooling and air conditioning systems 050608
37. Heating and heating networks 050608
38. Boiler installations of industrial enterprises 050608
39. Electric supply of cities
Master degree
060608 Electroenergetics engineering
Specialization – Electricity supply (by fields)
1. Modern problems of Electoenergetics engineering
2. Technical control and diagnostics in electric supply systems
3. Quality of electricity
4. EH and M
5. Solution of special issues of power supply of industrial enterprises on electronic calculators
6. Efficient modes of electrical networks
7. Reliability issues of systems of power supply of industrial enterprises
8. Optimization in PSİE
9. Special mode of power supply systems
10. Regulation of voltage in electrical networks
11. Modeling of power supply systems of industrial enterprises
12. Automation and dispatching in power supply systems
13. Research methods
Specialization – Electrical network and its systems
1. Modern problems of electroenergetics engineering
2. Electromagnetic transition processes in electroenergetic system.
3. Exploitation of electroenergetics   systems
4. EH and M 
5. Alternative sources of electrical energy
6. Electromechanical switching processes in the electroenergetics system.
7. Remote power transmission
8. Energetic systems
9. Solution of electorenergetics issues in EC
10. Optimum development model and reliability of electroenergetics systems
11. Modern model of dispatcher management of   electroenergetics systems
12. Electrical networks and its systems
Specialization – Electroenergetics
1. Modern problems of Electroenergetics engineering
2. Technical control and diagnostics in PSS(power supply systems)
3. Special issues of modeling in electroenergetics
4. EH and M
5. Automated control systems of power plants
6. Switching processes in electrical systems
7. Efficient modes of electrical networks
8. Optimization of power supply systems
9. Stability of electrical systems
10. Special modes of electrical networks
11. Installation and repair of power plant equipment
12. Mathematical issues of electric power
13. Electrical insulating materials and power cables
060609 – Thermal power engineering
Specialization – Industrial heat energy
1. Modern problems of heat energy engineering
2. Energetic basis of heat transformation and cooling processes
3. Materials used in heat energy
4. Heating system, heat supply, regulation and hydraulic modes
5. Contamination of heat exchange surfaces in boiler units and pollution protection.
6. History and methodology of heat energy engineering
7. Ways to increase the main indicators of internal combustion engines
8. Fundamentals of engineering experiments
9. Gas supply of industrial furnaces and enterprises
10. Designing of heat mass transfer devices
11. External corrosion and protection of low-temperature heating surfaces
12. Efficient use of water resources in heat energy
1. History and methodology of science
2. Modern problems of science
3. Reliability issues in power supply systems of industrial enterprises
4. Modeling in power supply systems of industrial enterprises
5. Solution of special problems of power supply systems of industrial enterprises in the computer
6. Technical control and diagnostics in electric supply systems
7. Efficient regimes of electrical networks
8. Optimization of power supply of industrial enterprises
9. Special regimes of power supply systems of industrial enterprises
10. Regulation of voltage in electrical networks
11. Special issues of exploitation of electric supply systems
12. Automation of electric supply systems
13. Quality of electric energy
14. Research methods
Scientific directions of the Department: “Processing and research of generators, parametric and distance transmitters for automatic management systems” and “Research of work regimes of electricity consumers and power supply systems of industrial enterprises.
Recent publications of the Department: 3 textbooks, more than 25 articles, 64 syllabuses and subject programs.
The Department personnel collaborate with Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Project Search Institute of Energy.
2 honored teachers are working in the Department: docent T.A. Ahmadova and docent V.G. Sattarov. Docent Z.A. Guliyev and R.B. Dadashova were awarded with badge of “Advanced education employee of Azerbaijan Republic” in 2012. 


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