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01 April 2024 17:55
In connection with the International Bird Day, on March 30, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences went on an excursion to the Beshbarmag ‘bottleneck’, which passes between the Caucas... Read more
01 April 2024 12:59
  The official website of the Refresh Erasmus+ KA2 project was launched "Improving green and sustainable economy in Azerbaijani universities: renewable energy and reducing climate change -... Read more
31 March 2024 15:03
On March 31, in connection with the 106th anniversary of the Genocide of Azerbaijanis, a group of teachers of the Department of History of Azerbaijan and East European Peoples of Sumgait State Univers... Read more
30 March 2024 14:09
On March 30, the final stage of the volleyball competition organized by the Student Trade Union Committee and the Sports Club within the framework of the ‘Year of Solidarity for the Green World&... Read more
29 March 2024 20:21
On March 29, the next module was organized at Sumgait State University within the framework of the program called ‘Entrepreneurship and New Business Development with Basic Design Method’ o... Read more
29 March 2024 14:24
On March 29, Sumgait State University hosted an event organized by the Faculty of History and Geography dedicated to March 31 Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis. Before the event, the teaching staff of the... Read more
28 March 2024 13:50
On March 28, another training was held within the Professional Speaker Series (PSS) organized by the Career and Alumni Center of Sumgait State University. Ulker Velizadeh, an employee of the Career... Read more
18 March 2024 19:08
On March 18, a Novruz celebration was held in front of the Kimyachi Medeniyet Palace in Sumgait with the activities of the head of the city Executive Power Zakir Farajov, city officials, local peopl... Read more
18 March 2024 14:19
On March 18, Rza Agaverdiyev, Operations and Technical Service Manager of GLENSOL (Nobel Energy) Company, within the framework of the Professional Speakers Series project organized by the Career and A... Read more
15 March 2024 21:00
On March 15, a Novruz celebration was held in the courtyard of the main educational building of Sumgait State University with the participation of faculty members, employees and students, as well as g... Read more
15 March 2024 20:55
On March 15, on the eve of Novruz holiday, Rector of Sumgait State University Associate Professor Rufat Azizov held a round-table meeting with representatives of SSU's cooperating institutions. Repre... Read more
15 March 2024 16:59
On March 15, the next module was held at Sumgayit State University within the framework of the program "Entrepreneurship and New Business Development with Basic Design Method" organized by S... Read more
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