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27 September 2022 14:25
On September 27, the memory of all our martyrs who fought heroically in the Patriotic war and sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of our country was commemorated with a minute"s ... Read more
27 September 2022 13:48
 27 сентября в Научной библиотеке Сумгаитского государственного университета состоялось мероприятие, посвященное Дню памяти. В начале мероприятия прозвучал Государственный гимн Азербайджанской Р... Read more
27 September 2022 13:16
The Action Plan of Sumgait State University has been approved in accordance with the action plan approved by the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. F-42 dated Septe... Read more
27 September 2022 09:30
On September 26, an event was held at the faculty of Engineering dedicated to  September 27 - Memorial Day. First, the National Anthem was played, and the souls of our heroes who were martyred f... Read more
26 September 2022 20:57
From September 19 to 23, associate professor Zafar Huseynov, advisor of the rector of Sumgayit State University, and head of the department of Quality Assurance in Education, senior lecturer Narmin Ha... Read more
26 September 2022 16:46
On September 26, an event titled "44 Days to Victory..." was held in the Great Assembly hall of Sumgayit State University, organized by the faculty of History and geography and the Student Y... Read more
26 September 2022 14:44
September 27 is celebrated as Memorial Day in Azerbaijan. Memorial Day, established according to the Decree of President Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated December 2, 2020 is an expression of deep respect for ou... Read more
26 September 2022 10:32
The final year students of Sumgayit State University get acquainted with a number of industrial enterprises in order to develop their knowledge and skills using modern educati... Read more
26 September 2022 10:00
On September 26, an event dedicated to the memory of the martyrs of the Patriotic war was held at the faculty of Philology of Sumgayit State University. Teachers and students of the faculty, veterans... Read more
23 September 2022 16:01
On September 23, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of Sumgayit State University was held. Rector of the university, chairman of the Scientific Council ,professor Elkhan Huseynov opened the m... Read more
21 September 2022 13:16
Martyrdom is not only a high peak but also a school. A school where we learn bravery, courage  what it means to die for the Motherland. When  we visit the graves of martyrs, we realize that ... Read more
20 September 2022 15:08
The seminar was held on the topic "The contract of the century" - the celebration of the political and economic strategy of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev on September 20 at the Heydar ... Read more
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