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27 June 2019 12:52
The following educational seminar was held on application rules to “Horizon-2020” program of European Commission organized by International Relations Office of ANAS Presidium Apparatus. ... Read more
27 June 2019 12:29
On June 27, our students spoke around the topic dedicated to Eurasian Patent Universiade “Looking towards the future” at the program “Good morning, Azerbaijan!” of ITV, by the ... Read more
27 June 2019 12:20
From June 20 to 21, training-seminar entitled “Internationalization of universities” arranged within TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) project of European Commission ... Read more
25 June 2019 15:06
On June 25, Rector professor Elkhan Huseynov, vice- rector for Science and Innovations professor Ramazan Mammadov, chief of Doctorate and Master Programs Office docent Sabir Khalilov, faculty deans,... Read more
25 June 2019 14:33
On June 21, at Sumgayit State University was held the following training within ERASMUS+PETRA project, which is financed by European Commission. The event attended by doctoral and master students of... Read more
24 June 2019 15:11
On June 24, “Open door day” organized concerning exam session of spring semester of 2018/2019 academic year by participation of members of Public Control and Advisory Board under rectora... Read more
24 June 2019 14:19
From June 16 to 22, head of Process automation department prof.Javanshir Mammadov, chief of Metrology and standardization department docent Gurban Abdullayev and head of Finance and accounting departm... Read more
22 June 2019 13:56
On June 22, defense of II course master students’ dissertations, who concluded pedagogical internship successfully, arranged at Sumgayit State University. Rector professor Elkhan Huseynov, vic... Read more
21 June 2019 13:46
On May 14, III International contest of Association of Eastern European Universities on “Internationalization of higher education 2019” was held in Moscow city of Russian Federation. Chair... Read more
17 June 2019 13:51
On June 14, the following meeting of Scientific Board was held. Rector of university prof.Elkhan Huseynov hailed Board members and congratulated the collective on occasion of 15 June-National Salvat... Read more
14 June 2019 12:24
On June 13, head of Organization for Disabled Entrepreneurs Public Unity Mirza Mammad Valiyev met senior students of Finance and accounting department of Economics and management faculty at Sumgayit... Read more
13 June 2019 16:06
Eurasian Patent Universiade “Looking towards the future” (knowledge contest) was held by the initiative of Intellectual Property Agency and Ministry of Education. The Universiade is atte... Read more
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